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Hiking Hygiene For Her

Hint: you won’t need your eyelash curler


Packing for that backcountry adventure can be especially tricky for women. Find out what an experienced trekker packs and what she leaves behind.

Ever wonder just how much—and specifically what—you should pack for a trip? And more importantly, what you can afford to leave behind? When it comes to packing for a hike, it’s even more important to be strategic—especially for women. Let’s face it: a woman’s backpacking needs are a little different than a man’s. First, we know there could be photos taken. And we’re far less likely than men to be okay with people snapping pics of us sporting our morning bed-head or end-of-day hat-head. Second, women generally care more about personal hygiene than men. And, third, we women have to take into consideration our menstrual cycles, or our hot flashes, or whatever other hormone party our body has decided to throw for us.



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Encountering Wellness Roadblocks?

Follow through on your healthy living goals this spring

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